Vanessa Pacheco

Vanessa Pacheco

Name: Vanessa Pacheco
Age: 21
Major: Marketing
College: Robert C. Vackar College of Business and Entrepreneurship
Hometown: Brownsville, Tx 
High School: Veterans Memorial ECHS in Brownsville, TX  

I chose to attend UTRGV for a number of reasons. For one it’s marketing program and resources. UTRGV has a great marketing program that allows students to get an excellent education and experience and even has many resources for students to ensure they are getting the help they need to be successful. I also wanted to stay close to home so attending a university in my hometown was a bonus.  

What made you decide on your current major?
I decided to pursue a major in marketing for many reasons. For one it will always be relevant given that businesses will always need marketing to thrive and with that comes a highly stable job. In addition, within the marketing sector there are so many opportunities which ensure that if I ever get tired of my position, I can always change it for something different. Lastly, I believe that marketing is a highly competitive and rewarding field. Not only does it let you unleash your creativity but also challenges you to come up with new ideas and tactics.

What do you hope to achieve beyond completion of your major? 
Post graduation I hope to secure employment in the social media marketing sector. I hope to build a strong professional network that will help me be successful in my career. Overall, I hope to contribute to helping businesses grow and make a positive impact.

What do you like most about UTRGV?
Some things that I like about UTRGV are the resources and opportunities. The UTRGV Robert C. Vackar College of Business and Entrepreneurship does an excellent job promoting resources, student activities, and opportunities that can help students. I am constantly receiving emails about programs, internships, career fairs and events the school hosts to ensure that business students are prepared and gain experience before they graduate.

What does being a Vaquero mean to you?
To me being a Vaquero means being proud of my culture and hometown. Having a place where my culture and background helps me thrive and doesn’t hold me back. 

What opportunities has UTRGV helped you find throughout your community?  
UTRGV has helped me find a job within the Student Government Association. Working for SGA has helped me develop new skills and network with other students and professionals. It has pushed me to be more involved in school, helping host events for students and being able to broaden my academic career.

What advice do you have for fellow students pursuing their degrees?  
Build strong relationships connect with professors, classmates, and other students in your field. By doing so you will learn about new opportunities and develop a safe space.