Jessenia Cantu

Jessenia Cantu

Name: Jessenia Cantu
Age: 22
Major: Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Class: Senior
College: College of Sciences
Hometown: San Juan, TX

I chose UTRGV because it offers so many opportunities while being close to home. Family is very important to me and being able to be close to my family while achieving my academic goals is something I am very grateful for.

What made you decide on your current major?
I have always been interested in the medical field since I started high school. After my junior year in high school, when my dad had gone through an unfortunate vehicle accident caused by black ice, I had observed the nurses in the ICU taking care of him. Their care, compassion, and professionalism inspired me to want to do the same for other families.

What do you hope to achieve beyond completion of your major?
I hope to have reached my goals in becoming an ICU nurse in the future and making my mother, my late father, stepfather, and the rest of my family proud. I will be the first in my family to pursue a career in the medical field and will hopefully give the same inspiration to others the way the ICU nurses did to me. 

What do you like most about UTRGV?
What I like most about UTRGV are the many opportunities available to those in the RGV who want to further their education. There are many opportunities to receive tuition advantages, scholarships, and have student engagement on campus with the many events and department collaborations.

What does being a Vaquero mean to you?
I have pride in being a Vaquero because attending UTRGV and getting my degree is not an achievement that everyone can acquire. I am proud to represent my family, my culture, and the region with my achievements and successes. Going to a university is an honor, and going to a university located in the Valley is an even greater honor.

What opportunities has UTRGV helped you find throughout your community?
Within the nursing program at UTRGV I have had the opportunity to be able to volunteer at health events around the RGV. Being able to work at P-16 Outreach and Testing services has opened my eyes to the changes we can make in families and students in Edinburg, such as working and assisting with the Mother-Daughter/Father-Son Program, as well as assisting with STEM camps and seeing the future of the RGV learn and grow.

What advice do you have for fellow students pursuing their degrees?
The advice I have for fellow students pursuing their degrees is to never lose sight of your end goal. Do not worry about how long it will take you to reach the finish line, as long as you make it past the finish line, that is what matters. Giving yourself small breaks to enjoy yourself helps your mentality when you feel like you are being swamped with assignments and workload.