Marely Enriquez

Marely Enriquez

Name: Marely Enriquez
Age: 28
Major: Music Education with a concentration in Tenor Trombone
Class: Senior
College: College of Fine Arts – School of Music
Hometown: Pharr, TX.
High School: PSJA North Early College High School, Pharr, TX 

After graduating from South Texas College, transferring to UTRGV was the best decision for my future and my family. The School of Music provides me with so many opportunities for my degree, my performance, and my learning to be the best educator for my future students.

What made you decide on your current major?
The trombone holds a unique and cherished place in my heart. I've been playing it for approximately 18 years, and in many ways, it has become a lifelong companion for me. Without music, I'm uncertain where I would be today. Music formed a special bond between my grandfather and me; he was the only one in our family who truly understood. Every note I play carries a dedication to him, a way of honoring his memory. I never anticipated that the trombone would become such an integral part of me, shaping me into the person I am today.

What do you hope to achieve beyond completion of your major?
I aspire to become a band director and continue nurturing my passion for music by teaching students in the same way that music was taught to me—with dedication and love. I yearn to be the motivating force for a student, guiding them on their musical journey. This dream has been a part of me for as long as I can remember. I've come a long way, and I can now see and feel the end of the tunnel as I envision myself walking across the stage to the sound of my name accepting my bachelor’s degree in music education in front of my family and friends. It's the culmination of all the sacrifices, tears, memories, pain, and the profound love and joy that music has brought into my life. I eagerly anticipate the day when my dream transforms into a beautiful reality.

What do you like most about UTRGV?
I love the community and family that is the school of music creates for us music majors. Together we grow from students to educators, learning from each other and creating connections.

What does being a Vaquero mean to you?
Being a Vaquero is a beautiful representation of the RGV and the heritage that grows around the school and this community. Vaquero is more than a word it’s my future, my family’s future, my community's strength, and a proud heritage most importantly I’m a vaquero.

What opportunities has UTRGV helped you find throughout your community?
UTRGV has opened opportunities to teach marching bands for school districts, being able to shadow band directors to learn more, and be able to make connections with future employers. UTRGV is full of networking and being involved with the community.

What advice do you have for fellow students pursuing their degrees?
Embrace the possibility of failure without fear. Find joy in the small successes and the precious memories they create. Recognize your value and actively pursue what you deserve. Have faith in yourself, for there is no one in the world more important and unique than you.