Alissa Olvera

Alissa Olvera

Name: Alissa Olvera
Age: 22
Major: Bachelor of Science in Exercise Science
Class: Senior
College: College of Health Professions
Hometown: Brownsville, TX
High School: Veterans Memorial Early College High School 

I chose to attend UTRGV because it offers an enriching educational experience that aligns perfectly with my goals and values. UTRGV stands out to me for its commitment to academic excellence, particularly in fields that resonate with my interests, such as exercise science and health. The unique location along the border contributes to a diverse and culturally rich environment, helping form a broader perspective that I believe is crucial for personal and professional growth. The supportive and inclusive campus atmosphere, combined with a dedication to student success, makes UTRGV the ideal choice for me to pursue my higher education journey.

What made you decide on your current major?
Pursuing a degree in Exercise Science is an extension of the active lifestyle I've engaged in since I was young. Growing up immersed in sports and physical activities, I developed a great appreciation for the effects of exercise on both physical health and overall well-being. Choosing a degree in Exercise Science allows me to dive deeper into the science behind fitness and the physiological benefits of exercise. This degree also allows me to deepen my understanding of the science behind movement and share that knowledge with others.

What do you hope to achieve beyond completion of your major?
After receiving my degree in Exercise Science, I plan to further my education by applying to a Physician’s Assistant program. With a solid foundation in anatomy, physiology, and exercise principles, I aspire to collaborate with healthcare professionals to provide comprehensive patient care. This career not only aligns with my commitment to health and preventive care but also allows me to leverage my expertise in exercise science to promote holistic approaches to patient treatment. Becoming a physician assistant allows me to merge my dedication to promoting health with the hands-on care and expertise needed in the medical field. 

What do you like most about UTRGV?
Attending UTRGV has been an incredibly positive experience. Campus life is friendly and inclusive, creating a sense of community that makes me feel right at home. The professors at UTRGV are not only experts in their fields but also approachable and genuinely invested in their students' success. Their dedication to teaching has made my academic journey both engaging and rewarding.

What does being a Vaquero mean to you?
Being a Vaquero holds a special place in my heart, signifying not just an educational journey but a sense of belonging and community pride. Attending the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley has been a great experience, shaping not only my academic knowledge but also my values and perspectives. As a Vaquero, I carry with me the pride of being associated with a university that prioritizes diversity, community involvement, and excellence in education.

What opportunities has UTRGV helped you find throughout your community?
One of the most engaging opportunities UTRGV has provided me with is through the area of research. These research opportunities at UTRGV serve as a gateway to building valuable connections, refining my skills, and contributing to the advancement of knowledge in the field of exercise science. UTRGV's emphasis on community-focused research ensures that these projects address the unique needs of the local population, presenting a chance for me to make a meaningful impact in the field of exercise science while building valuable skills for my future career.

What advice do you have for fellow students pursuing their degrees?
Don't just focus on textbooks and lectures; actively engage in hands-on experiences! Whether through internships, research projects, or volunteering opportunities, hands-on experiences will not only reinforce your academic knowledge but also provide valuable insights into real-world experiences.