Leslie Nava

Leslie Nava

Name: Leslie D. Nava
Age: 22
Major: Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering
Class: Sophomore
College: College of Engineering and Computer Science
Hometown: Montemorelos, Nuevo Leon, Mexico
High School: Preparatoria No. 6 U.A.N.L, Montemorelos 

I chose UTRGV due to the opportunities it offers us as students. Being from Mexico, once I started looking at colleges, UTRGV was the one that piqued my interest. UTRGV is a college that offers high quality education that gives me the opportunity to keep improving as I develop in my career field.

What made you decide on your current major?
While researching on what to study. I found architecture and civil engineering to be the most intriguing. UTRGV offers only a Civil Engineering bachelor's degree, which influenced my decision. For me, civil engineering embodies design and structure, connecting me to my passion for architecture and art.

What do you hope to achieve beyond completion of your major?
Career wise, I would like to go back to school to get an architecture degree so I can pursue a master’s degree in the field of architectural engineering. I enjoy the grey area that there is in between architecture and civil engineering, and I think getting a master’s in architectural engineering can help me achieve the goals that I have set for myself. I would also like to get the opportunity to keep on continue developing my career field in other countries.

What do you like most about UTRGV?
The thing that I like the most about UTRGV is the opportunities it brings you, not only in an academic sense, but also in getting internships and networking. As a student. I like all the development opportunities we can access, like trainings and certifications. UTRGV is also a place that is always seeking to help us as students by offering us resources.

What does being a Vaquero mean to you?
Being a Vaquero means that I stay connected with my roots. As someone who was not raised in the USA, being part of UTRGV means that I don’t forget where I come from. While living here, I have met a community that makes me feel involved.

What opportunities has UTRGV helped you find throughout your community?
UTRGV has helped me find a lot of opportunities like volunteering, leadership development, training in different fields, social development, communication skills, and growth as a person.

What advice do you have for fellow students pursuing their degrees?
Just ask. UTRGV is a place that offers so many resources and opportunities that people sometimes overlook. If you are not certain during the process, there is always going to be someone or something that can help you.