Maryanne Ortiz

Maryanne Ortiz

Name: Maryanne Ortiz
Age: 19
Major: Bachelor of Arts in Spanish with Concentration in Teacher Certification
Class: Junior
College: College of Liberal Arts
Hometown: Harlingen, TX
High School: Harlingen Collegiate High School 

I chose to attend UTRGV because I have heard nothing but great things about it. It is very affordable compared to other universities, which is one of the things I looked for in a university. I also wanted to find a university that allowed me to stay close to my family and UTRGV was able to provide both important aspects for me.

What made you decide on your current major?
I decided to major in Spanish because I have always loved and been interested in the language. The reason for the Concentration in Teacher Certification is because I have always loved being with and working with children, so there was no doubt in my mind that I wanted to teach children.

What do you hope to achieve beyond completion of your major?
Beyond the completion of my major, I will strive to be the best educator I could possibly be. I would love to not only be educating the future generations, but also be able to provide the students with any/all the support they may need so that they achieve all the goals they may have for their lives.

What do you like most about UTRGV?
I really enjoy the opportunities that UTRGV offers all their students. Not only academically, but also with any extracurriculars that students may be looking for. The UTRGV community is one that is very welcoming, and it is evident that they care about their students.

What does being a Vaquero mean to you?
Being a Vaquero means to be a welcoming and kind person. Being someone who is respectful toward all people and can be of good support to those who need it. Being a Vaquero is not only being proud of who you are, but also respecting and welcoming those who may have different backgrounds.

What opportunities has UTRGV helped you find throughout your community?
UTRGV has helped me find my job at the Center for Student Involvement. Through this job, I have been able to learn and improve my skills working with groups and individuals. This has taught me how to communicate with those that need some sort of support/answers. It has shown me that getting out of my comfort zone is a good thing, as I have begun to practice it more in my day-to-day life.

What advice do you have for fellow students pursuing their degrees?
My advice for UTRGV students that are pursuing their degrees is to keep on going. Although outside forces may make it seem like it is impossible to keep going, keep on pursuing your degree. Remember the reason that you decided to pursue higher education in the first place and hold onto that. Never give up until you have accomplished all that you have wanted to. There are many people cheering you on and who are there to support you through all you do. You got this!