Edna Aylin Desilos Hinojosa

Edna Aylin Desilos Hinojosa

Name: Edna Aylin Desilos Hinojosa
Age: 20
Major: Bachelor of Arts in English with Teacher Certification ELAR (4-8)
Class: Junior
College: College of Liberal Arts
Hometown: Matamoros, Tamaulipas, Mexico
High School: Colegio Don Bosco; Matamoros, Tamaulipas, MX 

As an international student, I sought a place that would welcome me and would also keep me near home. UTRGV was not only distinguished by its quality but also by the opportunities I could access studying here.

What made you decide on your current major?
For a long time, I always thought about pursuing professions that would give me a higher income, fields like medicine and engineering were on top of my list. Yet as the decision approached, I started to feel doubts, and I noticed that studying wouldn’t satisfy me and would never make me happy the way my passion did. That’s when I decided that I wanted to be a teacher, to show others the joy I find in literature and the importance of education.

What do you hope to achieve beyond the completion of your major?
I have various ideas in mind, the plan that I started with was graduating and starting to impart classes at the secondary level, yet the goal of studying for a master’s degree is also really appealing to me. Having the opportunity to teach at higher education is also circulating my mind for the future. On either path I decide to take, I would love to publish a book someday also!

What do you like most about UTRGV?
I like a little bit of everything. People are great, both students and professors, I have found a comfortable environment. Brownsville and Edinburg campuses are also great, and I feel like every day I find new activities to do on them, but my favorite place in both campuses must be the library.

What does being a Vaquero mean to you?
The people more than anything. I’m proud to be part of this supportive community and see not only what I have achieved during my time studying at UTRGV, but also the people around me blossom into better versions of themselves.

What opportunities has UTRGV helped you find throughout your community?
Apart from having the opportunity to volunteer in various places, I also got the opportunity to join BESO (Bilingual Education Student Organization), a great student organization that has given me opportunities to make friends and help in the community.

What advice do you have for fellow students pursuing their degrees?
If you’re afraid to do something because of rejection, do it! You’ll never get anything without taking a first step.