Jinna Yoon

Jinna Yoon

Name: Jinna Yoon
Age: 21
Major: Master of Accountancy
College: Robert C. Vackar College of Business and Entrepreneurship
Hometown: Edinburg, TX
High School: UTRGV Mathematics and Science Academy in Edinburg, TX 

UTRGV gave me the opportunity to balance my studies flexibly while staying connected to family. Their adaptable curriculum accommodated my diverse academic interests, enabling me to pursue two minors alongside my undergraduate major. Also, the School of Accountancy’s array of comprehensive resources played a pivotal role in preparing me for post-grad success.

What made you decide on your current major?
After taking an introductory accounting class in high school, this experience ignited my passion for accounting as it intellectually challenged me with its blend of mathematics and financial literacy.

What do you hope to achieve beyond completion of your major?
My academic dream is to obtain a PhD in Accounting and be a licensed Certified Managerial and Public Accountant. I would love to return to the Valley and be an educator, sharing my knowledge with future generations. I aspire to make learning engaging and fun, inspiring students to pursue their academic dreams.

What do you like most about UTRGV?
What I appreciate most about UTRGV is the career support it provides to its students, along with its community that celebrates student diversity. UTRGV offers a wealth of resources, such as joining student organizations to accessing career counseling, all of which have been invaluable throughout my college journey. Additionally, from multicultural events and student-led initiatives to inclusive policies and support services, UTRGV fosters a supportive environment where students from all backgrounds feel valued and empowered to succeed.

What does being a Vaquero mean to you?
Being a Vaquero to me means embodying the eight principles represented by the acronym: Vison, Approachability, Quality of Service, Unity, Engagement, Responsiveness, Optimization, and Solution Oriented (VAQUEROS). As a first-generation college student from my family in the U.S., these principles resonate deeply with me. They reflect my commitment to excellence, to positively contribute to society, and to continue growing personally and professionally.

What opportunities has UTRGV helped you find throughout your community?
UTRGV has opened numerous doors for community involvement and personal growth. Through the university, I was president of the Institute of Managerial Accountants which conquered my fear of public speaking and engaged in volunteer initiatives, such as the South Texas Volunteer Income Tax Program and E-Learning Simple Studies Tutoring Services for high school students. These experiences have broadened my understanding of the community’s needs and inspired me to use my skills to make a tangible difference.

What advice do you have for fellow students pursuing their degrees?
Don’t shy away from asking questions! Keep that drive for learning within you and perseverance is key. It’s not about rushing to reach the finish line but having the determination to keep going, even when life happens.