Alfonso Delgado

Alfonso Delgado

Name: Alfonso Delgado
Age: 19
Major: Economics; Finance
Class: Sophomore
College: Robert C. Vackar College of Business & Entrepreneurship
Hometown: McAllen, Texas
High School: McAllen Memorial High School

I decided to attend UTRGV due to its low cost of attendance and its closeness to home. As a first generation Mexican American, I also appreciated the sense of community, closeness, and opportunity that I witnessed UTRGV provide to students on my college tour and I'm glad to be able to say today that it's something I've gotten to experience as well.

What made you decide on your current major?
I was initially leaning toward majoring in architecture throughout high school, however, after taking some upper-level math courses and talking to undergraduates majoring in the business field, I decided to pivot and give Economics a try and have been in love with the field ever since.

What do you hope to achieve beyond completion of your major?
In the future I hope to be able to apply the knowledge and experience I have gathered during my time here at UTRGV in order to work as a consultant or Investment Banker at a major national firm for a bit before moving on to work in Private Equity. If given the opportunity I would also like to one day return to UTRGV as a business professor.

What do you like most about UTRGV?
The main thing I like about UTRGV is the openness and friendliness of everyone on campus, from faculty to fellow students. In addition, the plethora of opportunities available throughout campus whether academic, professional, or extracurricular make every day exciting and provide me with excellent chances to grow and develop.

What does being a Vaquero mean to you?
To me being a Vaquero means being part of a large family. Although that family may be split by colleges, majors, interests, etc., there always exists this sense of togetherness that bonds all students. Whether it's collaborating on projects, cheering for our sports teams, or simply exchanging hellos, one is always sure to feel included.

What opportunities has UTRGV helped you find throughout your community?
UTRGV has helped me improve many skills crucial to my future career. As President of The Association of Accountants and Financial Professionals in Business (IMA) I was able to get out of my comfort zone, learn to present in front of crowds and be more involved within the College of Business. On top of that, I've had the honor to help multiple students as a Student Career Advisor at the Career Center from different backgrounds, work on their resumes, presentations, and interview skills with most of them eventually landing a job.

What advice do you have for fellow students pursuing their degrees?
Consistency is key! Although you may have some rough days when you don't feel like working, remember that there's always a light at the end of the tunnel and that it will all pay off one day. Also don't be afraid to lean on others from time to time, after all we're all in this together.