Alejandra Acalco

alejandra acalco

Name: Alejandra Jamileth Acalco
Age: 22
Major: Integrated Health Science
Class: Senior
College: College of Health Professions
Hometown: Brownsville, Texas
High School: South Texas ISD Medical Professions

I chose to attend UTRGV because it offered me the chance to stay close to my family. I am a first-generation student and the idea of leaving home was scary, and being part of this community has taught me friendship and fellowship. Having the opportunity to work at the university has brought me many benefits as it has helped me to grow professionally.

What made you decide on your current major?
Through this career I have learned how the medical field works and it provides me with multiple opportunities for jobs. It is an area where you serve people, which is my greatest passion.

What do you hope to achieve beyond completion of your major?
After completing my bachelor's degree, I will continue my education getting my master’s degree in business administration in Health Care Administration here at UTRGV. Having the opportunity to do my master's will create the ability to grow in the field. With this major, it also gives me the opportunity to assist in my church; currently they have a project of building a special needs facility which I am part of the group helping with the preparations, having knowledge of the laws and administrative areas is an important key in terms of building the facility.

What do you like most about UTRGV?
The opportunities given here at UTRGV to grow are amazing as a student and professional. I have learned that most professors in my major are passionate about the medical field, and they give you advice that is helpful since most of the professors worked in the medical field, some still do. Working on campus is also an amazing opportunity. I have had the chance to work for the Dean of Students department, and it has helped me grow more in my vision as a professional and a person.

What does being a Vaquero mean to you?
Being a Vaquero means being proud of who I am. Growing up in the Valley is such a unique experience when it comes to culture. Having the opportunity to attend a university that embraces our diverse culture is amazing. The community and family you can build here is amazing, if you truly try you can find friends you can rely on.

What opportunities has UTRGV helped you find throughout your community?
UTRGV has helped me grow in my communications skills which had led me to opportunities such as working at a clinic for children with autism. Getting myself out of my comfort zone has helped me realize that I have a passion for being part of the administrative area of a hospital, it has also helped me understand and lead me into who I want to become in the future. I am part of a Christian organization in the university which led me to also discover that I love ministry, which is something that I will pursue as well.

What advice do you have for fellow students pursuing their degrees?
It is a process but learn to love your community, we have such amazing opportunities here at home. This is something that I struggled with, but I have learned to love the Valley and serve my people. Find a community, there is a place for you. Ask questions, do not be afraid to send that email.