Cecilia Adame Puente

Cecilia Adame Puente

Name: Cecilia Adame Puente
Age: 25
Major: Hospitality and Tourism Management
Class: Senior
College: College of Business & Entrepreneurship
Hometown: Mission, Texas
High School: Sharyland High School, Mission

I chose to attend UTRGV because of its dedication to higher education. At affordable tuition, I got access to global opportunities and quality education, it was an easy decision. UTRGV is student driven and focused on getting students everything they need to succeed. 

What made you decide on your current major?
When exploring everything the hospitality industry encompasses, I found it fascinating how vast and ever-changing it is. Hospitality is dedicated to making people feel good and focuses on guests’ happiness. It truly is an incredibly fun and rewarding profession. The dynamic and global nature of the hospitality and tourism industry excites me, as it offers numerous opportunities for growth, creativity, and cultural exchange. 

What do you hope to achieve beyond completion of your major?
My goal is to contribute to the field of hospitality, making a positive impact and shaping its future. I am eager to work in the lodging industry, especially within the luxury sector, to creatively enhance guest experiences. I aspire to create memorable moments, exceed expectations, and set new standards for excellence. Additionally, I aim to inspire others, fostering a culture of excellence and innovation wherever I go. 

What do you like most about UTRGV?
What I love most about UTRGV is the Hospitality program. Dr. Singh, our program director, is incredibly dedicated, and always securing opportunities for our career advancement. His inspiration is invaluable to every student. Chef Marcel Fortuin, alongside Dr. Singh, has become a crucial mentor for me. His dedication is admirable, and I am deeply grateful for his guidance. Together, they create a supportive, enriching environment that enhances my learning experience and prepares me for success in the hospitality industry.

What does being a Vaquero mean to you?
Being a Vaquero fills me with pride and is an honor. UTRGV is a great university and our potential to change the world is as big as all our dreams and aspirations.

What opportunities has UTRGV helped you find throughout your community?
UTRGV has been instrumental in connecting me with numerous opportunities. As president of the HOST Club, I attended conferences in Switzerland and Dallas, participated in a global competition in India and completed an internship with Walt Disney World. These experiences have enriched my education and expanded my network in the hospitality industry.

What advice do you have for fellow students pursuing their degrees?
Take advantage of everything UTRGV has to offer! Be an active student, show up and put yourself in the way of all the opportunities available.