Texas Manufacturing Assistance Center (TMAC) College of Engineering and Computer Science

Workforce Development

TMAC's approach and methodology creates productive, engaged workers. All of our services are designed to add skills to the workforce, develop in-house expertise, and facilitate communication between management and the front line.


Team Building is a stimulating problem-solving training designed to help individuals develop their capacity to work effectively in a team.

This training gives you the tools you need to build a case for teaming in your organization, set performance goals, and continually measure team effectiveness. You'll learn how to identify and foster the characteristics of successful teams, define responsibilities for team members, and overcome common obstacles to high performance.

The skills that you learn to master at the training can be applied to any team situation – from a single work unit team to wider multi-unit teams spanning the organization.

Achieve identified business objectives through the use of teams. Develop skills to set team goals, identify tasks, and measure performance for team success.

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Although Lean is increasingly recognized worldwide as the most productive approach to manufacturing, most companies do not realize that Lean is actually a blend of both old and new concepts. Henry Ford knew in 1926 that he could keep the prices of his products low by shortening the production cycle and standardization, and he proceeded to build his manufacturing empire on these concepts. Set up by the Roosevelt administration after the fall of France in 1940, TWI was charged to rapidly boost industrial production, productivity and quality to sustain the war effort and was adopted by Toyota forming a cornerstone of eliminating waste, standardizing work, and creating a culture of improvement. There are three elements to the TWI training:

  • TWI – Job Methods Improvement-The aim of the Job Methods Training program is to help produce greater quantities of quality products in less time by making the best use of the people, machines, and materials now available. Supervisors are taught how to break down jobs into their constituent operations. They question details and develop new methods by eliminating, combining, and rearranging these details.
  • TWI – Job Instruction for Standardized Work- The objective of Job Instruction is to help supervisors develop a well-trained workforce resulting in less scrap and rework, fewer accidents, and less tool and equipment damage. Supervisors are taught how to effectively break down a job for instruction. The method emphasizes preparing the operator to learn, giving a proper demonstration, identifying the key points in the job, observing the operator perform trial runs, and tapering off coaching while continuing to follow-up.
  • TWI – Job Relations- Problems come in two basic forms – those dealing with products and processes, and those dealing with human behavior and relationships. JR emphasizes that people must be treated as individuals. Supervisors are given foundations for developing and maintaining good relations to prevent problems from arising. Principles include providing constructive feedback, giving credit when due, telling people in advance about changes that will affect them, making the best use of each person's ability, and earning the employee's loyalty and cooperation. When problems do arise, it teaches supervisors how to get the facts, weigh them, make the decision, take action, and check results.
  • TWI – Job Safety- Creating a safe workplace – JS provides a framework for supervisors to engage employees in identifying potential hazards and eliminating them in conjunction with their training and knowledge in OSHA and EPA regulations.

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PM training focuses on the key elements for successful project management. It identifies the main components that must be effectively managed by a project manager: project scope, schedule and cost.

It also identifies the constraints that may jeopardize the success of any given project: scarcity of resources, costs, and contingencies. Several methods are reviewed to plan for successfully dealing with these constraints during the execution of a project.

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Participants will identify the fundamental leadership attributes needed for managers to be effective in today’s business world. We will analyze the principles of leadership in management, and the importance of creating a positive organizational culture through strong leaders.

The training will identify effective leadership methods that managers can use to meet company’s objectives; including effective decision making techniques, employee motivation, team development, and successful conflict resolution methods.

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A basic and complete guide for importing into the United States and maintaining acceptable levels of customs compliance. The importing and exporting process, process, concepts, and requirements are explained with a practical approach citing specific regulation.

US importers and Mexico exporters will find this training very valuable as they conduct international trade.  The foundation of this class is the most heavily tested material on the Customs Broker Examination, a requisite to become a Licensed US Customs Broker.

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