Texas Manufacturing Assistance Center (TMAC) College of Engineering and Computer Science


TMAC's Quality Solutions delivers an array of services, training, and certifications that enable you to reduce variation, cut energy cost, manage resources, and maintain a safe work environment. Whether your company seeks a single hazardous materials course or a fully integrated quality management system, TMAC's training and implementation services are tailored to fit your company.


ISO/TS trainings consist on evaluating current procedures, forms, and records in order to be ready for auditing. A general overview on ISO/TS is given to those who are involved in the process of implementing ISO in their company. Topics include: Meeting the Requirements of ISO/TS, Understanding Basic Auditing Principles, Seeking Objective/Audit Evidence through Documentation, Ground Rules for Auditors, Planning Ahead for an Effective Audit, Performing an Internal Audit, Reporting Audit Results, Closing out Corrective Action and Exercise/Role-Plays.

ISO Benefits

  • Minimizes defect and inefficiencies caused by variance
  • Can reduce the number and scope of customer surveys
  • Focuses effort on continuous improvement and prevention instead of reaction
  • Encourages management prioritization of process changes
  • Consistency throughout the company
  • Improved supplier and customer communication

ISO 9001

ISO 9001:2008 provides a number of requirements which an organization needs to fulfill if it is to achieve customer satisfaction through consistent products and services which meet customer expectations. Decisions about the quality system are made based on recorded data and the system is regularly audited and evaluated for conformance and effectiveness.

  • Quality Management System – Executive Overview ISO 9001: 2008 (4 hrs)
  • Quality Management System – Training for Implementation ISO 9001:2008 (16 hrs)
  • Internal Auditors of the Quality Management System ISO 9001: 2008 (24 hrs)

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ISO/TS 16949

TS16949 is the international automotive quality management systems (QMS) standard. This standard applies to all internal and external suppliers of production or service parts; production materials; and heat treating, painting, plating or other finishing services directly relating to original equipment manufacturer (OEM) customers.

  • QMS for Automotive Industry – Executive Overview ISO/TS 16949 (4 hrs)
  • QMS for Automotive Industry – Training for Implementation ISO/TS 16949 (16 hrs)
  • Internal Auditors of the QMS for Automotive Industry ISO/TS 16949 (24 hrs)

AS 9100

This is the Quality Management System for the Aerospace industry.

  • QMS for Aerospace Industry – Executive Overview AS9100 (4 hrs)
  • QMS for Aerospace Industry – Training for Implementation AS9100 (16 hrs)


Businesses are facing increased government regulation, growing consumer demand, and new requirements from large manufacturers in their supply chains to be environmentally responsible. Being responsive is a prime opportunity to save cost and improve efficiency. Our customers regularly experience a ROI that makes environmental initiatives good for the bottom line.

ISO 14001

ISO 14001 detects and reduces waste in resources and processes, and statistics show immediate return on investment and savings.

Compliance to this EMS assists companies with their compliance issues at local, state and national levels. Aspects (the things within a company that could impact the environment) are identified and prioritized and action plans developed to eliminate or reduce them.

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Lean and Clean training provides hands-on guidance to build a Rapid Improvement Team that can identify and prioritize targets for improvement through value stream mapping.

This course teaches people without an environmental background how to "see" environmental wastes and how to eliminate them.

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If 50% or more of your total facility energy usage is consumed by the manufacturing, you may be entitled to a state sales tax exemption and/or possibly a rebate. State law requires a Predominant Utility Usage Study (PUUS) to certify eligibility. TMAC performs PUUS and can answer your questions.



This comprehensive, two-day training workshop will focus on the OSHA regulations that the Department of Labor has selected as an "authorized" ten-hour program for any business that must comply with the general industry regulations… 29 CFR Part 1910. Topics covered in this course include:

  • An introduction to OSHA as a regulatory agency
  • Learn how OSHA regulates the workplace
  • Understand what happens during an enforcement inspection
  • Learn what is expected for a company to be in "compliance"
  • Understanding how to read and use the CFR as a tool for compliance
  • Understand how to find any OSHA regulation by its reference
  • Learn how to comply with the Subparts within 29 CFR 1910 including


Warehouse Safety training provides individuals the knowledge and skills necessary to recognize the risks involved in their workplace. The training allows participants to develop a safety program to be implemented in their facilities in order to have a zero-accident mindset and goal.

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The Basic HACCP workshop is a two-day course (16-hours), designed to review the philosophy and principles of the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) System and to discuss how to implement HACCP. The training curriculum is based on the information presented in the March 20, 1992 National Advisory Committee on Microbiological Criteria for Foods HACCP document and subsequent revisions as approved. The HAACP training program is consistent with the intent and scope of the USDA, FSIS HACCP regulation. Up to 30% of the HACCP plan is finished in the class. Classes available include Basic HACCP, Advanced HACCP, and Recall Management.

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The Hazardous Materials Transportation Act’s purpose is to protect against risks to life/property resulting from hazardous material transportation accidents. The state regulates all forms of transportation and the manufacture, fabrication, repair, and testing of packages or containers certified or sold for use in transporting hazardous materials. Employees responsible for the transportation of hazardous materials must attend training, including those who load or unload vehicles, prepare shipping papers, transport, handle, or store hazardous materials. Regulations require that general awareness, specific employee functions, and driver safety training must be incorporated in training programs.


Hazard Communication training is required annually under OSHA 29 CFR 1910.1200 and is intended for individuals who may be exposed to hazardous chemicals in the workplace. The course covers the primary labeling systems (NFPA and HMIS), hazard warnings, and material safety data sheets. Users learn how to make a hazard determination and the responsibilities of various parties with regard to chemical handling. Emphasis includes employee training requirements, hazard prevention, and hazard minimization.


Lockout/Tagout training is required under OSHA's Control of Hazardous Energy, 29CFR 1910.147 and is intended for individuals who are required to service, maintain or work around energized equipment. This training module presents an overview of controls and procedures required to prevent the unexpected energization, start-up or release of stored energy, which could cause injury to employees. Individuals will review methods for recognizing different types of energy hazards and applying appropriate control procedures.


This powerful program will provide participants with the necessary tools to make data driven decisions by using applied statistics. Over 35 tools are taught to allow students to gain process knowledge to make their processes Better, Faster, Lower Cost, and Safer. They will deploy these tools through a project using the Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, and Control (DMAIC) roadmap. The Six Sigma tools strive to reduce process variance, measure the process, and find optimal settings in a pursuit of perfection.

Project Implementation is required to be eligible for Certification.

White Belt

This class will provide leaders and managers the skills necessary to effectively deploy Lean Six Sigma to achieve better, faster, lower cost and safer processes. An overview of the tools used on Lean Six Sigma will be provided as well as the skills needed to staff, implement, and sustain Lean Six Sigma.

Leaders and managers will understand how the application of Lean Six Sigma will make their processes more effective and more efficient by the proper selection of the Lean Six Sigma continuous improvement tools.

Green Belt & Black Belt

The course is taught in three five-day weeks (2 five-day weeks for Green Belt), separated by at least one month. Participants must gain management sponsorship and complete course assignments at their place of business during the break. The assignment will require increasing knowledge of key business issues resulting in better, faster, lower cost products and services. Required resources (including reference texts and software) are included. Successful completion of classroom training and implementation of project will lead to a Six Sigma Green or Black Belt Certification.

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Continuous Improvement Methodology

This hands-on and dynamic training introduces participants to the different types of waste, analysis techniques for measuring systems and processes and to vanguard methodologies to define improvement initiatives that will be value added to the organization and support their company’s bottom line.

Participants of this workshop will review tools to analyze and improve their company’s processes and systems by focusing on eliminating waste and variation from their day to day operations.

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Statistical Process Control (SPC)

Shop floor personnel, engineering and quality staff and anyone unfamiliar with SPC will learn in this basic course the principles and practices including: terminology, SPC Steps, X Bar & R Charts, process capability, attribute charts and control charts.

Advanced Statistical Process Control explains in detail the principles and practices of SPC for engineering and quality staff needing to know when and where to apply SPC. Participants will learn: interpretation of control charts, attribute charts, and process capabilities, delving deeper into the topics covered in the basics course.

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7 Basic Tools of Quality

7 Basic Tools of Quality is designed to provide participants the means for making quality management decisions based on facts and to solve quality-related issues. After evaluating each of the tools, participants will be able to choose which one applies best to each situation.

Dr. Ishikawa explains that 95% of a company’s problems can be solved using these seven tools. These tools make statistical analysis less complicated for the average person.

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Failure Mode and Effects Analysis is part of the Core Tools training. It is designed to provide individuals with the necessary skills to practice risk reduction and defect prevention.


8D methodology is a philosophy and a part of continuous improvement; it is a problem solving methodology. The process is clear, easy to follow and is documented in different forms.

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