Texas Manufacturing Assistance Center (TMAC) College of Engineering and Computer Science

Strategic Solutions

Using TMAC's Strategic Solutions gives you the power to make smarter decisions, discover financial opportunity, and grow your business. We offer an array of services that focus on growth, planning, business assessment, and supply chain management.


TMAC delivers training on supply chain management to all levels of staff. Live simulations help participants to understand the importance of supply chain integration. The material teaches the impact of demand on the supply chain and the competitive advantages and optimization that can result from managing demand across organizations.


APICS 5 Modules of the Certification in Production and Inventory Management (CPIM), provides education on essential terminology, concepts, and strategies related to demand management, procurement and supplier planning, material requirements planning, capacity requirements planning, sales and operations planning, master scheduling, performance measurements, supplier relationships, quality control, and continuous improvement.

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Supply Chain Management

The objective of the Supply Chain Management training is to provide participants with the basic knowledge of the different strategies required to deliver a product or service to the end user. Participants will learn the basics of supply chain management such as product development, sourcing, production, logistics and the systems required to execute these activities. At the end of the training, participants should be able to identify opportunities to create value on the flow of information, transformation, movement and storage of goods and materials.

Family Business Advisor

The legacy of your business depends on how prepared you are to make the transition to the next generation. Whether you are in need of succession planning, legal advice, business valuation or family governance, TMAC’s Family Business Advisor Program can help.

We will provide you with the tools and knowledge you need accurately assess the value of your business. The Family Business Assessment provides you with a practical road map highlighting the critical areas that require attention in order to increase the strength of your company.

With the help of our partners, we will assist you in strengthening your business, planning for the transition and giving you peace of mind.