Texas Manufacturing Assistance Center (TMAC) College of Engineering and Computer Science

Lean Enterprise


Better. Faster. Cheaper. In today’s competitive world, it’s more important than ever to provide a quality product, at a low cost, faster than ever before. But how? Companies all over the world implementing a Lean Enterprise Operating System to achieve astounding results like these:

  • 30% - 100% Increased Throughput
  • 30% - 100% Increased Productivity
  • 30% - 80% Reduced Inventories
  • 50% - 80% Reduced Time-to-Customer for Order Fulfillment
  • 30% - 50% Reduced Time-to-Market for Product Innovation
  • Dramatically Improved Delivery Performance

Lean is NOT simply doing the same things, the same way, with fewer people. Lean is a systematic approach to identifying and eliminating waste by flowing the product at the pull of the customer in pursuit of perfection.

By designing processes to increase material and information flow, the velocity at which the materials move through the system to generate revenue vastly improves while using the same or fewer resources. The resulting operational improvements of cost, quality, delivery, productivity, and safety can then be leveraged to gain market share, increase profits, and increase customer AND shareholder satisfaction.


Principles of Lean Manufacturing (with live simulation) is an overview class that provides a foundation for all other classes in the series. Participants begin by manufacturing various assemblies in a traditional manufacturing setting. The results of the first simulation round will provide the setting for continuous improvement by applying the lean manufacturing principles. Participants will have the knowledge of understanding the 8 wastes in manufacturing. A mixture of lecture and hands-on simulations will teach lessons in standardized work, workplace organization, visual controls, set-up reduction, batch size reduction, point of use storage, quality at the source, workforce practices, and pull systems. Each is designed to eliminate waste in the manufacturing processes.

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Value Stream Mapping (VSM) is a visual description of all activities required to provide a specific product or service to the customer (i.e., from raw materials to delivery).

This course focuses on the total system, not isolated processes. It shows the flow and linkage of material and information. Also, VSM highlights the sources of waste found in the Value Stream and serves as the foundation for improvement plan development.

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The 5S methodology is the cornerstone of creating discipline in the workplace and form the foundation for all workplace improvements. It is particularly valuable for operators in manufacturing environments, pilot teams and implementers of Lean Production, Lean Office, and Asset Management. This is the foundation for creating a Lean environment.


TPM is a method to proactively maintain machines and equipment at their peak productivity to increase return on capital assets. The 8 Pillars of TPM increases overall equipment effectiveness and helps avoid interruptions to production to achieve reduced batch sizes and increased equipment performance. It is often the first key strategy of the Lean Enterprise Operating System that is deployed since it enables the others.


This course teaches the fundamental principles of set-up reduction. The instructor will clearly define set-up and discuss reasons and barriers to reducing set-up time. Participants learn the standard methodology in applying Single Minute Exchange of Dies (SMED) to any type of set-up or industry.


Students will learn how to control shop floor inventory and production schedules by implementing pull systems. This course teaches how to design and implement a visually driven, employee-controlled material replenishment system. Participants also learn how to implement repetitive and non-repetitive pull systems, to set up point-of-use material storage, to interface with planning systems, and to balance lot sizes with capacity, not economic order quantity.


This hands-on course teaches how to link and balance manufacturing operations to reduce lead times, minimize work in process, optimize floor space usage, and improve productivity. The instructor will lead the class through the 5-step process for designing and implementing work cells. This process applies to both assembly and fabrication applications.


The program focuses on using operational resources as efficiently as possible in order to achieve improvements in throughput, productivity, material and labor costs, safety, space utilization, and cycle time. It includes 8 sessions of classroom and hands-on training plus 2 session for project evaluation and presentation. Sessions include: Teambuilding, Principles of Lean Manufacturing, VSM, 5S, TPM, Setup Reduction, Pull/Kanban, and Cell/Flow. Project Implementation is required to be eligible for Certification. Successful completion of classroom training and implementation of project will lead to a Lean Master Certification.

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A Rapid Improvement (KAIZEN) Event is a team activity aimed at rapid implementation of Lean methods to eliminate production waste in particular areas of a process. This workshop covers the three phases of conducting an improvement event including: 1) Planning and Preparation; 2) Implementation…The Event Itself; and 3) Presentation, and Follow-Up. Available as training workshop.

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This leadership course presents the next level of thinking in lean management. It will show you how to generate skills and initiative among everyone in the organization to adapt, improve, and keep moving forward.

By practicing the Improvement Kata and the Coaching Kata, many people can learn and become engaged in the process of improvement, adaptation, and innovation. This is a particularly good source of sustained competitive advantage.

Improvement And Coaching Kata provides a powerful context that allows you to better utilize familiar lean elements, tools, and systems and sustain improvement.

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