Jesus Galindo

Jesus Galindo

Name: Jesus Galindo
Age: 21
Major: Political Science
Hometown: Brownsville 

I chose UTRGV because it is close to home, and the proximity facilitated all my academic endeavors. During high school, I spent little to no time preparing for college. Eventually, I turned things around and managed to apply to UTRGV. 

What made you decide on your current major?
My major is Political Science with a minor in Environmental Science. When I first started my college career, like most people, I had no idea what I wanted to study. Fortunately, I found my purpose in a government class. The ways in which society works has always intrigued me. I wish to help guide this society that we live in into a direction of integrity. That just means I wish to live in a world that is conscious of our environment, people, working conditions and nutrition. As our footprint on this earth becomes more evident, so does climate change. We do not possess unlimited resources and that is an issue that affects everyone. In my career, I want to give back to the people that suffer the most from environmental injustices. 

What are your plans after graduation?
I wish to work for a government agency like the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency), TCEQ (Texas Commission on Environmental Quality) or FDA (Food and Drug Administration). Specifically, one that legislates for the environment or one that regulates pollution. I am also considering conservation agencies like the National Wilderness Preservation System, National Marine Fishery Services or Bureau of Land Management. Soon, I hope to devote a larger portion of my time to performing music and travel. 

What are you involved in on and off campus?
I have a band named Cannon the Dealers and we’ve played various shows performing our very own songs, but I am also working on another music project. We’ve come a long way, but we still have a lot to overcome. I have a part-time job at the Student Union and I’ve been working there for almost two years now. My job is quite nice because I have constant interactions with people and that has helped me build strong friendships. Some I never thought I’d have. I also get to participate and organize lots of school events. 

What is your biggest accomplishment to date?
I think my biggest accomplishment to date is the music that I write with my friends. 

What advice do you have for future students?
I’ll make it short and sweet: Be an inspiration to others, because we all need one. And understand that there’s really no limit to your capabilities.