Hilda Lee Tijerina

Hilda Tijerina

Name:  Hilda Lee Tijerina
Age:  22
Major:  Theatre/TV/Film
Hometown:  Donna 

Initially, I chose to attend UTRGV because it allowed me to be close to my family while still offering the college experience. However, as I learned more about its theatre department, I realized it was a welcoming community within the school. 

What made you decide on your current major?
Our curriculum allows us to participate in things other than our main focus. For example, initially I began with an interest in film, but as I became more involved, I realized that my passion was in theatre design. As I participated in mainstage productions and student directing projects, I became aware of all the different employment opportunities. A whole new world opened to me and I found myself spending long hours doing something that I loved. 

What are your plans after graduation?
Our professors constantly share information about the countless job opportunities that are offered to us. Thanks to them, I am currently in the works of acquiring an internship. After I graduate, I’d like to experience working in different theatres across the world. My dream is to learn as much as I can and share my knowledge with everybody who is hoping to pursue a career in the arts. 

What are you involved in on and off campus?
Fortunately, I’ve been able to participate in various activities that relate to what I love. I am currently President of our university’s Alpha Psi Omega Sigma Mu theatre organization, and this allows me to reach out and encourage others to take a part in theatre. As a box office employee, I assist with the advertising of our productions and theatre department. I am also part of the film crew in The Family Church in which I help film services and worship performances. If all goes well, I’d like to attend this summer’s study abroad program to South Korea, a country I aspire to work in in the future. 

What is your biggest accomplishment to date?
Although I’ve accomplished many things, I am most proud of being where I am now. I started out lost and afraid of putting myself out there. However, as time went by, I became more involved and earned the trust and respect of many people. I’ve been given opportunities to take on big roles in different projects. It is truly an honor to be considered for so many things, especially this recognition. 

What advice do you have for future students?
It was a challenging process, but I achieved many things by being involved. When others complained about their current situation, I pushed through and tried my best. I’m sure I tried the patience of my mentors with all the questions I asked, but they guided me every step of the way. I encourage everybody to take on new challenges, even if they are unsure of their abilities. Ask questions, help when nobody else will, and do what you love!