Lalo L. Sosa

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Artist Statement

personal logoI like to think of Graphic Design as visual math, problem solving that doesn’t have a right answer or a wrong answer, but an answer that personally feels right. The task of creatively solving visual problems I find the duty rewarding and bountiful.

From the moments of growing up in my mother’s print shop, skimming through her design books and being enamored with all the designs, I knew a future of design and art was ahead of me. My youthful curiosity has allowed me to expand my knowledge in my field.

Through my experiences in my formative teenage years, I found myself exploring my local music and creative environment further instilling a passion for music and what graphic design can offer to it. Hand in hand my love for music and design has allowed me to connect with my community and the many artists that have flourished.

Design transcends the world, a visual language that is interpreted with our eyes. My goal is to communicate with the world, being able to display my work for future generations to come. Thank you to my community for the constant support and growth.


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