
Music, no words, just the sound, moving inside you, like sugar for the ears, our body moves to a beat, funky moves only. A language like no other, House Music expands all to all walks of life, from babies in Russia to grannies in South America, the sound transcends language and presents a form of communication, the beat. JOCHE a young man from Mexico with his sights set on touching the world, is here to present his debut Album, Joche “Self Titled”. Hand in hand, design and music play into each others strong suit, adding an image to the sound, this project was my personal exploration with Joche as an artist, my work developed the image for Joche, creating his brand identity I knew I wanted to stay true to the characteristics of house music and the culture that has been created around it. Vibrant colors, I decided to create a mock album campaign as an energy drink, the reason for this conclusion lies deep in joche’s story, growing up he would sell beverages to be able to make music, so I felt like it comes full circle being able to create a beverage to sell that is his music, a refreshing sound that gets you moving, feels like a energy drink. Using elements of energy and funk, I carried over elements into the package design, embracing the characteristics of the can, I made sure the process instilled an identity for the artist’s first project release. As every musical release should have, I developed merchandise for the project, if there is one thing that is important for artists, it is creating a way for your supporters to express themselves and no better way than merchandise. Through my project you can see the various key elements in artists development and expansion. Listen to Joche.