Emily A. Guerra

Emily guerra picture

Artist Statement

personal logoArt has been with me my entire life; I’ve been drawing ever since I can remember. I was probably one of the last generations to grow up without a phone, or internet, or youtube; Meaning I spent most of my time doing things like drawing and painting. My dad is very skilled in art as well, and taught me how to draw and color when I was a kid. When I got into highschool, I took interest in digital art and design courses. What appealed to me about design was how broad a spectrum of opportunities it could bring, from marketing, to merchandise, to product design. Design is found in essentially everything- which shows how valuable the skill is. Being a designer allows me to experience and create new and interesting things; It gives me that creative outlet within a job I wished for, all while keeping art as my personal hobby to enjoy.

My ideal job is to become an educator in design. Being a hispanic woman from the valley, I was certain whatever job I’d get would have nothing to do with what interests me. But, after learning what we can do with skills in digital media, I felt a heavy weight begin to lift off my shoulders. Now, I want to do the same for other kids in the RGV. Many feel their paths are sealed in low income careers where they don’t get to do what they love. I want to help and teach kids that there’s so many more opportunities in the creative field waiting for them. I want to help make the field of design more diverse with skilled hispanic/latinx designers. I also want to help businesses in the RGV grow by rebranding them with newer and cleaner designs such as logos and ad campaigns. I’ve already helped a few local businesses rebrand and clean up their designs. I truly feel designers overall can greatly help businesses, and thereby the economy, of the RGV. Overall, my goals are to help grow and expand the knowledge and careers of design for generations to come within the RGV


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