Good Heart Publishing

Good Heart Publishing is a publishing company which prioritizes children’s books that have messages surrounding love, acceptance, and learning to understand one another’s differences; Good Heart’s goal is to support author’s who want to help children learn how to be kind and respect their peers regardless of the differences. Stories for our youth are far more impactful than given credit for, and it is necessary to promote lessons that allow children to grow morals in a healthy way.

The main focus of the project is the book “Tiny, Mighty, & Friendly”; This book is presented as a book published by Good Heart Publishing. This book focuses on a chihuahua who loves playing with humans and is very friendly, but is sad to learn humans stereotype her as being a mean and feisty chihuahua. The chihuahua’s friends step in to teach her that stereotypes are not what defines who she is. This book was made to help teach children to be more confident in who they are, and to not let others perspectives or assumptions of who they are define them. This also helps children and parents alike to practice kindness, respect, and to not judge people based on looks nor stereotypes.