Hecates Box

Hecate’s Box is a subscription box for new wiccans and witches who are interested in learning and following the path of the witch. The Box is named after the Greek Goddess of witchcraft, herbs, and magic who was also a protector of humans. Enclosed on the Website, ithas a different subscription plan where people can choose between 1 month, 3 months and up to the year receiving witchy items. The items enclosed are objects that will get people started onto the path of the witch, such as spell books, a tarot deck, crystals, sage smudge stick with instructions, and a candle, but also aesthetic items such as a face mask, stickers, and an art print.

You’ll find on our website; we tell you how you can subscribe for your box and what will be included along with a free gift with each new monthly box and a code for 10% off your first purchase. With the right font, color palette and photography our box, poster and website will convey our message to all young wiccans and witches they can start a new journey as themselves. I think this has been a fun project to work on because many people are getting interested in astrology, witchcraft, and tarot so I wanted to create a box that people could get every month to learn and grow as young witches and wiccans. I hope you enjoy and will start your path to being the powerful witch/wiccan you want to be. Stay magical, Moon Children!

Hectates Site