
Ever since I was a small child, I was in the “business”of creation. Every other day I came home with a new drawing of animals, dragons, dinosaurs, etc.,and that became what I was known for. These renderings inspired me to become better and better while allowing me to enjoy every step of the way. I now see back at my past and try to recreate those feelings –feelings of happiness, simple fulfillment, raw creativity; for that reason, I chose to create a winery identity for my BFA.

My father’s side of the family always hosted events on the tasting and enjoying of good alcohol. I remember when I was around the age of 12 that my father saw how entwined I was with a family reunion where every sibling, spouse, and older cousin,enjoyed a glass of wine that someone brought to taste.He let me taste it and I thought it was awful; it was bitter and dry! But I was always told that my palette would change and that I would one day enjoy fine flavors like that wine.However,before tasting the fine alcohol,my aunt, who had researched on that particular wine and its winery, explained the history and culture behind it,which, to my understanding, enabled my family to enjoy it even more and that fascinated me.

Now that I am 23, I am reminded of that time whenever I drink wine with my dad. I don’t really enjoy many of the flavors but I do enjoy the time and memories created with people like him, which ties into what this business would be all about–making sweeter wine that could be enjoyed by a wider spectrum of people. My winery would create a wine with a special kind of grape grown right here in the Valley to merge a grape flavor with a hint of lemonade without the extra steps of mixing the two fruits and adding extra sugars.Although my idea for this wine is to have a taste that is more approachable by a wider audience(especially younger people over the age of 21), I do want to give it a bit of a classy feel without alienating the target audience. I hope to achieve this with a more modern approach to the identity and design of this business’ promotional material.