Jenna Hinojosa

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Artist Statement

personal logoI was inspired to make art at an early age, as my father was an artist himself. I thought his work, from drawing to pottery, to the artistic aspects of his construction work were amazing and I wanted to be as good as him. In high school I got my first laptop and with it I was introduced to the concepts of digital art and design, and how they go one in the same. After my father passed, my view of art was fundamentally changed, I lost my inspiration and had to renew it within myself. I can’t help but think understanding emotion is essential to communicating, and that this is no different in the visual arts. Every day, I work towards expressing myself, my ideas, and my motivation. The world is full of miscommunication, or simply lack of communication, and solving this through art and design is not actually an easy thing to do.

Starting a piece is no problem for me. I can start tow ways. Sometimes it is with a concept, and quickly images fill my mind. I find the most powerful image and start there. The other way is I start with an image, create the meaning and start there. However I start a piece, I work better by building up my designs as if they were physical. I place one part as a foundation and build around it to find a balance. Grids can sometimes be effective, but I mostly use my intuition. A piece is done only when I feel it is so.


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