Sunset Espresso

For my senior exhibit I wanted to create something that I could maybe actually turn into something someday along the way. I'm obsessed with coffee, I need it everyday to keep me going. As I get older I realize how busy I actually am, with work, school and everyday life, I need a little incentive to splurge myself, for how much I have accomplished—and I know I’m not the only one. Someday I would love to have my own little coffee shop, where people can come and drink some coffee and create some designs or simply do some work. I created Sunset Espresso, a small coffee shop located in Denver, Colorado. I wanted to create something that I enjoyed so that I could put a lot of thought into it. In the future, I see these designs being used in a coffee shop business I will open. I also love sunsets, stars, the sky and the moon. At Sunset Espresso there is always a viewing upstairs on the rooftop right when the sun sets so that everyone can see how beautiful the sunset looks. There’s also a telescope up on the rooftop where you can see the stars and the moon right after the sun sets. So after doing some work you can treat yourself by taking a break to unwind and see how beautiful the stars shine. I wanted my designs to look pleasing so that people could be like, that looks cool, I wouldn’t mind hanging that on my wall. I love going to my local coffee shop and taking my laptop, and order some coffee so that I could get some work done or do some designing which is something else I love doing. I wanted Sunset Espresso to be a place where people can come and create some cool stuff, whether that's designing some logos or editing a video. Sunset Espresso Cafe may one day be a real thing so just keep a lookout for that.