Betzy Lopez

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Artist Statement

personal logoI've always been into art, I guess I just didn’t know what it was called. I always knew I was creative and I wanted to use that to my fullest advantage. I was in 10th grade when I was in a class called Graphic Design. I didn’t know what that was, it was a completely different language to me but now its my life. I fell in love with the idea that I could have a job with my creativity. I love being able to create things and to help people solve their problems creatively. Everything about my work is important. If its coming from me than its representing me and I have to make a good impression. I'm my own worst critique, I always want everything to be perfect, I know that’s impossible but as long as its almost close to perfect then I am fine. I haven’t figured out what my style is, I'm still figuring that out. I’m a sucker for flowers and stars, sunsets and the moon. I haven’t figured out the best way I work but I do like making lists. I like writing everything down that I need to get done, I like color coding and getting things done so I can scratch them out. I feel like my life is more planned when I have a to do list or when I have my entire month planned and ready to go.


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