Andrea Joseline Beruman

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Artist Statement

personal logoArt has always been present in my life since early childhood. I remember being handed a small journal as a child, probably from my mother thinking it would be a kickstart into developing my writing, but instead I decided I’d rather draw some cats in its pages instead. From then on, my art traveled outside the bounds of the margins in my notebooks as I got older, then into my main focus as I switched majors from Biology into Graphic Design, where I could focus all of my creative energy into an outlet that let me express myself. It’s important to me that the work that I create is meaningful in some way, created with intention in mind, yet still being able to look aesthetically pleasing. I’m hoping to simultaneously translate across to the viewer thoughts and ideas and make a connection with others, while still staying true to myself, which is something I practice both with my art and with life. To me, design should be both attractive and functional, and while it is difficult to incorporate, I strive to hone that philosophy in my craft. I hope to mostly inspire others to explore creative mediums and give themselves the chance to try something new and discover something beautiful in the process.


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