Stephanie Ramirez

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Artist Statement

personal logoAs an artist, I found it difficult to define my artwork into an art style, and I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one. My personal artworks tend to be more centered around expressing a sensation, a moment, or a feeling. The reason behind that was because I always had difficulty verbally or emotionally expressing myself as I grew up, and was always drawn to trying to create subtle Expressionism, Dark Arts and Realism art. Each are unique, but had one thing in common that I liked (besides their beautiful compositions and color. This also led me to discover Baroque, Romanticism, Symbolism) - they all addressed hidden emotions and deeper meanings when given a second viewing. This also goes in hand with Graphic Design and Design in general.

I’ve loved art pretty much all my life, and never feared getting my hands dirty, so having to settle for one type of medium is difficult. Preferably, I like to dabble in just about anything, but whenever I’m experimenting with a new medium or art style, I admit that I hesitate a lot more; however, I put a lot more effort into what I’m doing by going up and beyond of what I’m supposed to do.


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