Shuteye Co.

My project is about the way that a character came to be made. It is meant to touch base and give a bit of taste of the magical world that surrounds the main story that can still stand alone for a fun read. This short story was made by first doing the planning of the story itself and the set-up of how it would flow. Afterwards I began to type out the story and get it revised many times to make sure that it flowed well. Once the typing was done ; there was annotation done for which parts would have an illustration and what kind it would have. I also began to collect theme colors/styles/ and etc. to be able to see what I would use in the digitalizing of the images. Once this was done then came the actual drawing of the illustrations.

The process of the illustrations were the following. First they were sketched out then inked traditionally. Afterwards they were scanned and edited to the best they could be to seem as lineart. Finally they were colored in and etc. through photoshop and exported for use. Many layers were used for the base colors, shadows, highlights , and overlays. After all these steps were done the images were then brought in through Indesign and moved around with the actual story text.

This project is important because it combines different aspects of things learned during my school semesters and put them into one big project. Along with the practice it also allows for my knowledge and practice to show as an individual than as someone who is replicating logos for a class. This is significant to me because I can grow as an individual and as a student at the same time.