Oralia S. De Leon

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Artist Statement

personal logoI have always been interested in art for as long as I can remember. I recall that I started trying to draw since I was in elementary by making my own characters and short stories; though they were terrible. It was not until I was in middle school that I decided to drop out of Choir (once I realized I didn’t really have any interest in learning scales) and decided to join Art class instead. Being the only girl in my class from 6th grade until 8th made me feel a bit left out because it was a bit difficult to really talk to other students. The positive outcome of that was that it made me be even more focused on my art assignments and finding my own style. I started to really get into illustration the moment I started to create my own storylines and characters and saw them come together visually; I saw it was a way to make believe in my own way AND practice my drawing skills. This love for it started to shift into the communication design and expression in the sense that I wanted to learn how to try different techniques and positions of items than just doing it all as studio art.

My methodology of creating my art pieces is a very simple one; First I start to brainstorm by looking at colors/inspiration pictures of some pieces I want to do. Secondly, I begin to group them together so I can reference them and begin to sketch the main idea while visualizing how I want them to look overall. Thirdly I use the medium I am going to use before I do my detailed linework; so for example if I am doing a watercolor piece I lay down the watercolor and then do the linework on top. If I am doing digital work I do the linework first then scan it and begin to add multiple layers of colors, lighting and shading to it until I am done in Photoshop. I do NOT mess with the linework in the digital pieces so as to keep the texture of a traditional one. I am very much an adaptable person so if a piece is not working the way I want to I add into it and mesh it with another piece/change it and go with the flow of it all and pride myself in that.

The most notable thing about my work to me is the detail and overall tone. My artworks consist of a lot of linework and detail that is done to add more depth to the drawing itself. I really try to put a piece of myself in everything that I make as to enjoy my time making it and putting it out in the world with a positive vibe. I believe that art really is good for the soul and that it should be enjoyed and passed around to those around us.


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