ERO Augments Corporation

I started with no direction in how I wanted to pursue my style of art and how I was going to use it in the future. As time went on, I have expanded with different drawing styles and techniques. The direction that my art has taken is a mixed bag, but most of it has gone into a futuristic, cyberpunk era of art. I have grown comfortable with making and drawing futuristic logos and illustrations in my art and I’m deciding to keep it like this.

I am highly influenced by movies and media depicting the future and its denizens with these unique looks of grittiness in its world, the sleekness in its architecture, corporate logos, and style over substance culture. Most of the ideas that I generate are from this genre and media.

I chose this style of art because it is rarely shown in the public eye. I expect to further hone my drawing skills and open up my creativity, in order to make this work better and possibly believable. What inspires me to become an artist is the interest from others looking at my work. At first I drew and create out of boredom and stress. Now I see it as a hobby and maybe for a living.

Why I wanted to do these projects is that I can personally improve on my skills in Photoshop drawing. I do have this fond attachment in creating fictional works that might happen in the real world. I do want to bring some semblance of this genre to fruition. I do dream of writing my own stories of the dark future and use these skills to create visuals, such as characters and settings. As I continue to explore my creativity, I feel like I am able to open up and make something better and feel comfortable with working.