Da Quads Skating House

Da Quads Skating House is about a public indoor skating event in Brownsville, TX that promotes roller skating as a new way to have fun and be healthy and energetic. It will be offering skating lessons for all skill levels, a large wood skating floor, a carpet floor for beginners, a party area, snack station, roller skates rental, music, food and more. The target audience will be focusing more on families, young adults and kids that can see roller skating as a fun sport or hobby. Da Quads main purpose is to connect with their audience by offering them a good and memorable time by bringing back the traditional roller skating as an aesthetic 80s style vibes and motivate people into roller skating by enjoying a safe, fun, friendly and entertaining environment.

There will be a posters, location and indoor maps, and other promotional material such as tote bags for skates, socks, T-shirts, and pin bottoms that people would enjoy having. The process of the creation of the visual branding to this project were brainstorming the concept of the idea of what it would be more convenient to promote roller skating. Later, it was created in pencil sketches in a sketchbook. Afterwards, it was placed in a digital form and traced the raw images and edited the form, shape, and colors of the image until the final composition. Da Quads Skating house main colors are pink, purple, white and black that hopes to connect with audience as a pleasant and fun place to be.