Honig Bakery & Café

Honig Bakery & Café Advertisement / 30” x 24”

Honig Bakery & Café Advertisement / 30” x 24”

For my exhibit I decided to create my own Bakery & Cafe. I was born and raised in Spain, and have been able to travel to many countries in Europe; part of my family is from Austria and I love their culture and food. Therefore, I decided to base my business on a German style bakery and cafe, as I though that it would be something unique, that I am passionate about. Many people have never been able to travel to Europe, therefore my menu is mainly based on German types of bread and cakes, nevertheless I added some items that people would be more familiar about. As to the coffee menu, I decided to add types of coffee from all over the world and designed a poster that serves as a coffee guide. This small business is an idea that I have had for a long time as baking is one of my passions, therefore it was really exciting to develop this idea and design every concept of it.

Coffee Guide Poster / 30” x 24”

Coffee Guide Poster / 30” x 24”

Honig Bakery & Café Menu / 17” x 11”

Honig Bakery & Café Menu / 17” x 11”

Packaging Design / 17” x 11”

Packaging Design / 17” x 11”