Maria Victoria Gonzalez de Chaves

maria victoria gonzalez de chaves large picture

Artist Statement


My name is Victoria Gonzalez de Chaves and one of my favorite think I like to do as a designer is to work on digital illustrations as well as photography. I enjoy working on designs that are interesting to look at and that make the audience happy.

I have been interested in art ever since I was a child. My mom has always been very creative and introduced me to painting and many other crafts. Once I got into art classes in high school I started to learn more about the technical part of art and design. I was more interested about fashion design than graphic design; however when it was time for me to get into college I thought graphic design would help me more in my future employment career. I have been getting more passionate about graphic design throughout the years and have been trying to do new thing in every artwork I make. In my personal work I like to reflect different aspects of life that appeal to me; I enjoy using different media such as watercolor or photography as well as different techniques. When I am working on a new piece I like to get inspiration of artists that I follow on social media and try to get new ideas, then I apply those ideas into my sketchbook and do as many sketches as I need to, to get my work started.


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