Oneyda Zamarripa


Artist Statement


My name is Oneyda Zamarripa and some of my favorite things to work on are digital illustrations and comic designs. However, along with that I also really enjoy working in Adobe Indesign and creating book spreads or magazine layouts.

My art began as a child in elementary, I would often mimic the drawing styles of cartoons and animes and try to produce my own characters or stories. They would sometimes also come from video games. In my own way I wanted to create my own imaginary world where sometimes it doesn’t make sense. I enjoyed creating surreal meanings and art that left you wondering “Why was this created?” As soon as I started high school, I signed up for art class; where I was later invited to join the art club. The class helped my technique become professional while the club allowed meaning behind the pieces, I made to be both viewed and interpreted for once. There were very few outlets for that to be an option for me throughout my art experiences so I would hope that others would be inspired to make art and act on their own meaning as well so maybe they can create something “other worldly” as well. An artist I was strongly influenced by was to create my own style was Ralph Bakshi, his style is very cartoony, and I fell in love with the way he illustrated his cities and buildings as characters themselves. He was able to personify a whole city based on an emotion. When I see a style like this, I felt a deeper connection too it and I knew that that was something I wanted to be able to create. I wanted a style that can at times be messy, upsetting, uncomfortable even, but still viewable in this modern age. I combined the two ideas of cartoon culture, and what can be considered as messy to create my own style. I would often want to have these clean ideas of my own art to because I wanted to be professional like the way they try to teach, but I learned to step out of that idea sometimes so I can let my own ideas be interpreted.


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