Urban Thinking

Visit Your Local Park / 24” x 30” / This poster is intended as a public work that may aspire communities to revisit their local parks.

Visit Your Local Park / 24” x 30” / This poster is intended as a public work that may aspire communities to revisit their local parks.

Parks are an endearing part of communities throughout the United States. They provide a social environment that helps the community connect and interact. Because of their accessibility, they have the potential to transcend the typical boundaries of age, race and other factors that impede us from getting to know each other.

Parks are loved by children and parents. Unfortunately, parks are also underappreciated by young adults. There is a misconception within our community that parks are intended for children. I find this to be problematic to future generations because our community has developed a dependency to technology that impacts all aspects of our lives. Because of this, we have grown accustomed to a sedimentary lifestyle and, unfortunately, a disconnection with the outside. Parks are an economically friendly environment that can help the community connect and mingle with the outdoors, breaking our cyclical crutch to technology.

My graphic design exhibit is a call to action that aims to encourage young adults and teenagers to actively enjoy spending time at the park. I hope to inspire the young adults of our community to join and enjoy parks as centers of fun, tranquility, and a center where loved ones can bond.

Make Time / 24” x 24” / This poster is an advertising effort that is meant to display parks as centers of socialization where individuals can connect with each other.

Make Time / 24” x 24” / This poster is an advertising effort that is meant to display parks as centers of socialization where individuals can connect with each other.

Urban Thinking / 8.5” x 11” / This projects is meant to be an informational brochure that provides information about the benefits of visiting local parks.

Urban Thinking / 8.5” x 11” / This projects is meant to be an informational brochure that provides information about the benefits of visiting local parks.

Outside Flyer Design

Outside Flyer Design

Inside Flyer Design

Inside Flyer Design