Nayelli Valdemar

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Artist Statement


Hey everyone my name is Nayelli but I go by Nelly. Art has always been a passion of mine. Many don’t see design as art, but I believe it to be an extension of it. I aspire to grow as both, a design and an artist in the years to come.

I have actively engaged with art ever since I was a young girl. I have always been a result driven individual, I have had the privilege of displaying my work at an art show for the first time during my time in middle school. I eventually became the President of the Art club in my high school, where I aimed to share the club’s artistic perspective with the student body by creating murals around the school and classrooms. As I became older, I had unfortunately disconnected myself from art because of work, family, and school. It is because of this that I decided to go into graphic design, where I can use my artistic eye to facilitate the visual and verbal language that is necessary for successful communication design; the ultimate goal of graphic design is to ensure a successful message after all.


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