Edna Peña

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Artist Statement

edna pena personal brand logo

Heyo, my name is Edna Peña. Graphic and communication design is my passion, and I enjoy making designs that are bright and colorful. To me, the art of communication is as important as the art that surrounds it and can be just as vibrant. As with my art, I like to surround myself with everything fun & funky.

I specialize in print, logo and web design to communicate with a larger audience. My work and my passion in it stems from the love for everything in advertising. I am motivated by this unending interest. The creation of work that appeals to a large audience is wonderful to me, not just something aesthetically pleasing, but something that drives a message. Communication is so important in everything, and I believe that it can be just as vibrant as the artwork that accompanies it. I want people to be moved by work, my layouts, and my designs. The art of communication is so fascinating to me.

This passion does not come from nowhere; it is ingrained in me because I already love to share information, to help people. Now I can do it visually. Surprisingly my love for graphic design did not come from the art field itself, it came from my first communications course. The little dip into the world of communication led me to my love for advertising.

My work is an amalgamation of my interests and inspirations. I love to look at beautiful bright work that is creative in its use of color, typography and layout. The work of Paula Scher is an inspiration to me, and a goal of mine is to work with her. I do not want to work for my idols; I want to be their equal.

A reason I love communication design is that it offers a challenge. I enjoy my process of rapidly coming up with ideas and sketches and then fleshing the few good ones out into something amazing. When it comes to challenges, I try not to think of any idea as “stupid”, because everything can be improved with a little more thought. The creative process already takes rounds upon rounds of sketches to create something that works, and the same concept applies to ideas. Much like some of our greatest inventions, they all started with an idea./p>


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