
Advertisement poster / 24” x 30” / An asymmetrical recycled melted plastic bowl

Advertisement poster / 24” x 30” / An asymmetrical recycled melted plastic bowl

In the era of consumerism, people usually buy trending items, like phones, clothes, accessories, etc. I got the idea to create the recycled materials home goods because since I was in elementary school in Mexico, my teachers encourage us to recycle. Today I’m trying to be a responsible consumer because waste it is an everyday problem and for the coming years if we consume more and we create more waste. I’m not trying to convince anyone to have zero waste, but to consume in a responsible way and not be compulsive about expenses. My mission in this project is to give a second or even third use to waste materials like plastic, cardboard, metal. I want to create house hold pieces that are functional. Some of my inspiration was from the designer William Morrison. He used to say “have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful” At the end I want my designs to show in how trash can be converted into usable products at a low cost. I hope that everyone can consumed responsibly with recycle materials.

Infographic poster / 24” x 30” / A simple description of how recycling works

Infographic poster / 24” x 30” / A simple description of how recycling works