Citlaly Quezada

citlaly quezada large picture

Artist Statement


My name is Citlaly Quezada, I’m an artist who works in a variety of media. With a subtle minimalistic approach, I create work in which a fascination with the clarity of content and minimalism can be found.

When I was a child I used to buy magazines just to admired the that every page was aligned, the mix of colors, the cover, everything caught my attention. Sometimes I decided which page to keep and cut it out to create a collage and create a new advertisement. I didn’t know about graphic design until I was in high school when I was assign to the class Graphic Communication, it was the class that I enjoyed the most. My teacher Mr. Alvarez was the person who inspired me to continue with graphic design. Against other people’s criticism to change my career, I made the decision to do what I truly knew was best for me.


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