Rose Decay

Exhibition Poster / 24” x 30” / Exhibition poster advertising the new opening of this series.

Exhibition Poster / 24” x 30” / Exhibition poster advertising the new opening of this series.

Rose Decay created by Jane Doe, my artist alter ego, is an exhibition made of withered roses. This series moves away from my typical design style and takes a turn for a more simplistic Bauhaus theme. Generally, I work with vibrant colors and in your face texts to force viewers to be mesmerized. Rose Decay is separated into three pieces all pertaining to Jane Doe’s work with preserving and drying roses. The use of roses depicts relationships old and new, though they have withered in time, they are just as beautiful.
The first poster advertises the gallery opening with a flat design and few colors. Black, red, and beige will be implemented throughout the series. The second piece will be a large poster of a mock-up booklet explaining Mrs. Doe’s work. This magazine mockup will explain to readers how her process began and how they could try it at home. Invitation cards will be my final piece, following the same theme, but will of course have a different design.

Magazine Book / 24” x 30” / Mock-up magazine booklet explaining artist history and work.

Magazine Book / 24” x 30” / Mock-up magazine booklet explaining artist history and work.

Invitation Front Design

Invitation Front Design