Stephany D. Hernandez

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Artist Statement

personal logoGrowing up surrounded by literature always allowed me to imagine the worlds and scenarios and being able to expand on it. Soon I wanted to share the worlds I saw in my head to others and be able to communicate them in a more expressive way, leading me to draw and paint. I always put art on the back burner but never put that fire out. In high school, I entered the yearbook club and this led me to a teacher that pushed me into the
art field.

To me the most important part of my work is being able portray what I envision in my story telling. No one person truly sees the world in the same way and to be able to articulate that experience to others is incredible to me. I hope to be able to create a piece of work that has the ability to make a person go back to when needing comfort. I want to be able to create visually appealing work that can be appreciated outside its intended use.

For my method of working, I put every thought and idea down first, instinct that comes to mind when doing something, then I do research and see where ideas can be explained more with the research and the greater world. I tend to question every little part of a problem because more than likely it’s the little things that will lead to something greater without realizing it. Being able to use e;ements from one's own experience is something that I try to use in my work as I want my own influences
to show.


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