
ArthroSapiens is a company that combines arthropods and human DNA to create new forms of life. These new spliced humanoid creatures are an alternative to working class people, solders and any type of role or position that can cause bodily harm, liabilities and or death. These creatures are the competitor to AI and robotic technology, claiming that their form of labor is better since they will not be able to get hacked, needing repairs that might be more costly and these creatures can be even customizable for whatever the client’s needs. Since these creatures will replace “real” people in the work force, there will be little to no need for insurance, or lawsuits and can help with costs for the company. They are the “perfect” employee, following every order and task with no questions asked, loyal to their company, and unable to think for themselves and pursue their own dreams or life.

I chose to create this hypothetical company as my own take at social commentary on the working class and how big companies view us. I am sure that not all companies view their employees as expendable mindless drones to a single entity, but most do. As someone who works at a fast-food restaurant, I can sometimes see firsthand how customers, higher management and even fellow coworkers treat each other. Yes, we are there to help each other out and grow as a community, but there have been times where people will stab each other in the back just to be treated with more respect or get payed fairly for the amount of time and effort they put in their jobs. For my exhibit, I wanted to almost make a dark comedy with my ideas. The whole idea of the company I made is supposed to be so weird and morbid, the thought of using humanoid people to do the worst and most dangerous jobs out there without caring what happens to them is a twisted joke.