Paula C. Guerrero

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Artist Statement

personal logoI have this weird relationship with art. I love it, I grew up drawing and and getting praised because of it, also a lot of my family have some sort of creative side to them. However, it was also something that was looked down upon by them and my peers as a career. The negative stigma of pursuing an artistic career was strong in my environment, there was always a conflict of following your dreams and choosing the most financially stable career. My mother always wanted me to have that secure future for myself because she tried her best to give me the opportunity that she did not have when she was growing up. For a time in my life I tried to peruse another career pathway like engineering or medical, but it did not feel satisfying. I started doing art more frequently in the last two years of high school and that’s when I decided to go into Graphic Design. I found more fulfillment in the pursuit of art, it’s what drives me to take the time and learn from my mistakes, study classic works and understand why they are treasured
by many.

In my time as a Fine Arts student, I have been involved in a blossoming community. I have met many strong and talented artist, all of them pursuing their own dreams no matter what society or their loved ones have to say, many in which I am blessed to call my friends. Working amongst these individuals has taught me a lot about myself and what kind of artist I want to be. Being surrounded by all this artwork and getting a chance to actual see the process really motivates me to challenge myself and hone my skills. I am very comfortable in traditional mediums, but as a Graphic Designer I had to quickly move to digital software. This has led me into falling in love with 3D modeling, something I would not have taken time to learn on my own if I did not have to learn for a class.


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