Mind > Body

My exhibit idea came from uniting design, typography, independent poems, and motion photography. These four elements allow me to express myself through a contemporary form of visual communication. I always wanted to create a small series of a graphic novel. I chose photography as a primary medium because photography guided me to develop an idea into a vision from sketching out rough ideas, planning, finalizing on a sketch book to taking actual photos is a process of its own. Everything has a collective, connection a chance to keep on editing and improving.

Next, being able to understand, question the potential of the mind. Is the mind greater than the body? They are two subjects into one body, separate yet united as a whole system of its own. This self-experimental, observation not only gave me a better understanding of myself as the subject, but a better understanding how the mind is vast, and powerful. From creating authentic creative, production to replicating things that are unknown to be known into a photo. Without proper conditioning, guidance the body can then become limited, as the mind provides a limitless potential. The mind is a universe of its own, if that cannot be controlled everything is over in life depending how the mind is operated. Overall, the body then follows what your brain is trained to do either if it is to find your purpose, being human, love yourself, find peace, create boundaries, self-care and igniting my passions through the arts.

This exhibit is from taking my experience, knowledge combining everything I have acquired in college, develop my own authentic style, not only to myself, but to my viewers who view my work. I would like, for them to be inspired especially when faced through challenges creativity can be used to understand and unlock these core visions. Create like, an artist solve like, an engineer act like an entrepreneur.