Zany Games

I hate spoilers. Actually, hate is not a strong enough word to express my utter disdain for spoilers. Naturally, I decided to base my entire project around the very thing that makes my skin crawl. The card game Floored by Zany Games not only includes the concept of spoiling a story, but completely capitalizes off the very idea. The rules of this game are simple: 1) draw your cards, 2) get your story straight, 3) get it spoiled!
As an avid boardgame player, I have noticed how their typical designs usually range from traditional aesthetics with bright multicolored palettes to simplistic contemporary styles with minimal color palettes. That could not be further from my personal artistic styles, which consist of both a clean, minimal look and pop surrealism with an illustrative psychedelic touch. So, I decided to mash the two styles together. I chose to draw inspiration from the stylistic simplicity of games such as Cards Against Humanity, We’re Not Really Strangers, and Buzzed while still adding my own funky psychedelic touch with a bold tricolor palette. The boardgame’s target demographic ranges from older teens to adults (around ages 16-35). The assets of this project include a promotional poster for the game, eye-catching package design, and a second poster that showcases the different cards utilized in the game. Floored creates an environment of mortifying humor with the looming tension of friendly competition, just as intended.