Marian Ramirez

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Artist Statement

personal logoMy art, like the majority of all artists’ work, has evolved with me over the years. As children, we are given crayons and paper, and the rest is up to us— the world is our oyster. This was the way I saw art as a child: a never-ending world of artistic opportunity. To be honest, it’s what I’ve been trying implement to my art now after a long time of focusing just on technique. I have gone from using my imagination as a child to being technically proficient as a teenager, and I am now trying my best to combine the two and find a style that feels personal to me as an adult. The art styles that have inspired me over the years include surrealism, pop surrealism, psychedelic art, and more recently, bold-looking graphic art.
Reflecting on my entire path as an artist, it can be said that my current personal philosophy is to simply enjoy the work I produce. I spend an absurd amount of time being ridiculously hard on myself and judging my work, so the thing that’s most important to me now is to enjoy the process of creating and to take my time. I have currently been enjoying the use of modern clean-looking graphic art, collage, and psychedelic art, and as I put my work out into the world, my hope is to make it bold, vivid, and have it stand out. My methodology is to use mediums such as acrylic and oil paint, oil pastels, printmaking, and digital work. I like to mix and substitute mediums to solve any technical issues I may face, and I often remember to not give up on a piece so easily, as there is often some way that I can fix it


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