Piel Canela

Piel Canela is a handmade jewelry brand that presents to the public colorful necklaces, earrings and bracelets inspired by the sunset, summer and happiness. I chose Piel Canela as a name because it is a tone of color skin that looks like cinnamon making a reference to a tan skin after the beach. Piel Canela is a brand that empowers and encourages women to wear accessories as a part of their personality, as we know is a fact that wearing something that you love helps to your self esteem and Piel Canela’s vision is make self care a priority. For this brand I create other accessories as part of its identity design that the public will love and will make them feel a priority of themselves.

This idea was born after having a similar business 2 years ago and I saw the perfect opportunity to redesign the brand and take the logo and personality to another level. My idea was not making a typical high class jewelry but something that people could wear daily giving that handmade look that has a meaning in every bead. Over the years I have learned that it is better if we make things beyond the superficial. This means that it becomes more special if we always give a meaning to the public about your work. That is why I chose the sunset as an inspiration because I believe that every sunset is beautiful but different in so many ways just as women are.
To accomplish this project I used my favorite colors and techniques to achieve this final project. I really enjoyed this process, applying all my knowledge, my ideas to this project and seeing my progress inspired me and encouraged me to keep doing what I love