Yay Foods

Yay Foods is a company created with the purpose to help those who want to manage or reverse the risk of diabetes. Currently there are diabetes prevention programs that focus on the medical standpoint. Knowing about diabetes and different ways to control this, what Yay Foods company does is to facilitate these customers and consumers from a diet standpoint.As young adults we have little to no care on what we consume daily ,having knowledge on what we eat and willingness to control the excess of what we consume will help to have a better-quality lifestyle, and that’s why my main target are young adults who have bad eating habits that lead to diabetes and adults who want to slow down and control their diabetes.

We specialize in providing MEALS TO-GO for those who do not have time to cook and are in a rush. We also provide recipes where consumers are able to make these healthy, easy and tasty meals at home. The way Yay Foods breaks down their steps will help to only cook two to three times a week to have meals for the whole week. Often, this topic about diabetes is seen as boring and we want to avoid talking about or to learn about. The use of colorful graphics and photography of these finished meals by capturing each ingredient helps the consumer be interested and makes them want to learn about this topic, not only that but will facilitate cooking better, as many of us usually do not like to cook.

The way these meals can be accessed is by going in person to our facilities or visiting our official website, as well as staying in touch with our daily fun activities and informational content via Instagram. This company has several drive thru stores to make it feel as if consumers were going to a fast food restaurant, except that our ingredients are 100% focused to specifically provide the right portions and foods to help consumers
with diabetes.