Isaiah Flores

isaiah flores

Artist Statement

personal logoEver since I was a child, I was always more interested in my art classes than my others. I always knew I wanted to have a career in art, but at the time I wasn’t sure how I would fare in the field. During my time outside of the classroom, I took an interest in drawing and painting during my free time while at home. As a kid I would always pay attention to graphic design even if I didn’t fully understand what it was called at the time. When looking outside the car window while passing by billboards and company logos, I had no Idea that these signs were considered graphic design. Later, when I was in high school, I took a graphic design-oriented class which was my first introduction into the world of digital art. I learned about the basics such as creating shapes and altering photos in photoshop. After taking that class and learning about entry level material, I knew I wanted to learn how to become a graphic designer. My familiarity with computers throughout my life and love for art led me down the path to studying in this field.

The most important thing about my work to me is that it represents who I am as a person and my interests. It’s also important to me as an artist that I enjoy doing what I do. As a graphic designer I enjoy making some of my work music oriented as I have a deep appreciation for it as an art form. Anytime I’m working on a design I’m usually listening to music. My hope is to one day make some type of art piece for a famous musician that will be seen by many whether it be an album cover or promoting something for that artist. I hope to be the reason somebody or something is remembered because of the art that I created for them.
As I’m designing something I try to challenge myself and come up with unique designs that will work visually and thematically with the task at hand. Sometimes I may be over critical of my own work which causes me to lose confidence in myself. To combat this, I solve design problems by determining the root of the issue and correcting what is flawed within the design. I will usually try multiple different designs until I’m satisfied with the result.

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